Frequently Asked Questions

Taxi Service in Kyrenia

All the curiosities and things to know when getting Kyrenia Taxi service.

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Question answer

Can we call a taxi whenever we want?

Kyrenia Taxi 7/24

Yeah. You can call a taxi on 0539 110 79 14 anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Do you issue an invoice?

YEAH. Those who show company employees as expenses etc. If desired, we cut it.

Do You Make an Airport Transfer?

Kyrenia Taxi Airport Transfer

YEAH. As Kyrenia Taxi, we have a Taxi service to the Airport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ercan Airport,

Larnaca Airport,

Paphos Airport.

Can we request a taxi from Whatsapp?

Kyrenia Taxi Whatsapp

Kyrenia Taxi Whatsapp. You can request a taxi 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our

0533 822 56 16 Whatsapp number.

Do You Have Tour Service?

Kyrenia City Tour

Kyrenia City Tour

YEAH. Northern Cyprus living in Cyprus or Turkey holidaymakers our trip from foreign countries etc., Cyprus Tours are our taxi service. It will be more convenient for our guests who want to get tour and tour services to get information and make reservations at least 1 day in advance.

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